I know this list was written by a woman, and here I am, a man who is sharing this with you. I am sharing this because when I read this, this really spoke to me and I believe that everything she shares in this list is 100% true and there are so many that apply to both the husband and the wife.
I've screwed up and made mistakes and gone down paths that I should not have - I believe if two people are living in a truly biblical marriage (and that's what this list outlines), where Jesus is the foundation, then outside of your relationship with Him, this relationship will be the most beautiful, rewarding, important and loving relationship you ever have.
Read on and take heart...
1. Marriage is made up of two good forgivers. Because every marriage is made up of two sinners. (Romans 3:23)
2. At some point, you will have to learn that life isn't all about you. (Philippians 2:3)
3. Don’t listen to women that tell you that passion fades…it doesn't have to! (um…all of Song of Solomon)
4. Don’t give up. Love never fails. (1 Cor. 13)
5. He wants a kind wife, not a maid or another mother. Be nice. (Galatians 5:22-23)
6. Give your husband the gift of your respect. He needs it more than you know. (Ephesians 5:33)
7. Be mindful of your expectations.
8. Honor the Lord above all things. Colossians 3: 17
9. Find your worth and security in the Lord, and don’t look to your husband to meet all of your needs.
10. Be very careful about reading romance novels, they set you up for an unrealistic view of romance.
11. Real romance is finding that one spot in the crook of his arm to snuggle into, that shared look over the dinner table when the kids are acting crazy, and the way he fixes the leaky sink when he is dog-tired after work.
12. Love is about relationship. The more I love my husband, and seek a relationship with him, the less critical and duty-bound I become. It is similar to my relationship with God.
13. Be thankful for the husband you have. Accept him as he is, not for what you want him to be.
14. Don’t compare!! Don’t buy into the game of comparing him with anyone else’s husband.
15. The Biblically “normal” marriage is filled with joy, connection, laughter, and peace. It’s not free of hurt feelings and conflict, but they know how to process their pain with one another so that they live more often in a meadow than at the scene of a train wreck. This is not the average marriage, but it normal – -because it is a visible display of Jesus’ relationship with His bride (Ephesians 5:22-33).
16. Your marriage is a testimony! “The #1 evangelistic tool in America (the world) today is a successful marriage, because it’s a living miracle!” – Dr. Joe Aldrich, former president of Multnomah Bible College.
17. Pray for your marriage. Pray hard.
18. I've heard that is gets better with age. That is so true.
19. Where there is God, there is always hope. Even for the most broken marriages. “With God all things are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
20. Marriage is commitment and sacrifice. But it’s also the best, most wild ride you will ever have with your best friend.
Borrowed from Grace Full Mama via Pinterest @ http://www.gracefullmama.com
Boldly Trusting Him and Humbly Asking You - Called to Haiti
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Hello dear readers. I was first called to Haiti last year and heeded that call to be sent by God. Seeing and experiencing God at work in Haiti and sharing the love of our Jesus with His beautiful children there left me forever changed in ways I could not have imagined.
The opportunity to once again serve in Haiti has presented itself. My heart for her people and for serving them in their spiritual and physical needs is a testament to the transforming power and love that I have been undeservedly blessed with by God's amazing grace!
This calling to be sent is not about me but is all about Jesus. I have prayed for several months about heeding His call. I have found myself weak in faith as I struggled to trust Him to meet the financial needs of this trip. I had a powerful experience when listening to another missionary speak this week - it was a divine appointment and I heard God clearly tell me to trust Him - through this meeting with a fellow missionary, through earnest prayer and time spent meditating on His Word.
I am boldly trusting our Lord while humbly asking for your help. I need to raise $1500 in order to meet the cost of this trip. The cost covers airfare as well as room and board while in Haiti. I am not asking for a handout, but I am asking for a few things:
1. Will you consider praying for me during this time that my faith in His promises does not waiver.
2. Will you pray that the entire team that will be going is strengthened in heart, mind and spirit as the enemy does his best to instill fear and doubt into our hearts - Our God is amazing and true and I know your prayers will help immensely!
3. I am willing to do all sorts of jobs to earn money for this mission trip. I am an IT professional by trade and I can fix, repair, design, or build pretty much anything computer related. I am also very handy and can do plumbing, painting and all sorts of household repairs. I am willing to clean the dog poop in your yard, crawl under your crawlspace or attic to clean, clean your toilets, wash your car, do your grocery shopping, clean your house - anything you have that you need done or if you have a friend or neighbor, please consider recommending me!
I also have a PayPal account setup to receive donations. Should you prayerfully feel led to donate to support my calling to Haiti and this mission trip, you can donate any amount (no amount is too small - even $5.00 will help and be so appreciated!)
Paypal Donation Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=passion84jesus%40gmail.com&lc=US&item_name=Haiti+Mission+Trip+for+Matthew+Ash¤cy_code=USD&bn=PP-DonationsBF%3Abtn_donateCC_LG.gif%3ANonHosted
If anyone is interested in a breakdown of the exact costs or would like more information about the mission and the trip details, please do not hesitate to ask me. You can reach me here, via e-mail at passion84jesus@gmail.com or message me on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/youmakeeverythingglorious . I am also more than glad to meet with any of you at your convenience!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for partnering with me in prayer and support for God's calling for me to be sent back to Haiti to serve and deepen the relationships and make new ones with the beautiful people of Balan, Haiti.
Please watch the small video I made